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SMS Forwarding Rules

Text messages - Send SMS - International Messaging Service

Learn how to reduce SPAM and receive only important information

John needs to decide which email he wants to receive to his phone. So, he decides who is important and who is not.

He creates SMS forwarding rules for his account that define what information will be forwarded to his mobile device and when.  He also defines what information will be ignored and what information will be deleted.

Initially, John needs four rules; 1) to be alerted when email arrives from his Boss, 2) his Wife and 3) his important clients.  4) SPAM/Junk mail is efficiently deleted before it ever reaches John. 

Rules 1-3

If John receives email from his boss, his wife or important clients then forward them to his mobile telephone.

Rule 4 - Junk

If Sender name belongs to John's junk list email will be ignored.

Click here to see how to get more help on setting up forwarding rules.
Click here to open an account and create your own forwarding rules.



Forward to  SMS reply


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