ipipiMOBILE is our text messaging service right on your mobile phone! Open a WAP browser on your mobile phone, go to: http://wap.ipipi.com and start sending SMS around the globe! How to Get Started:
Benefits of Using ipipiMOBILE
Send SMS Once you have successfully logged in, the Send SMS screen will appear. Click on the 'To' link and your contacts will pop up. You can also enter the mobile number that you would like to send your message directly into the text box. In the Contacts screen, all your contacts in your iPiPi account with a mobile phone number will appear on this screen. Click on the 'Next' or 'Previous' links to view all of your contacts.
Inbox You can access all SMS messages sent to your iPiPi account through iPiPi mobile. When you click on a mobile number listed in your Inbox, you will be able to view the message as well as the date and time that it was sent to you.
If you would like more information on ipipiMOBILE, please go to the FAQ page.
note: You must have a WAP access from your phone in order to use this service. Your operator may charge you standard data rates to access this service. Please contact your wireless provider for details.